Senin, 07 Maret 2011
Bandwith requirement in VoIP
We can look at table 1. that bandwidth consumption for classic voice call as same as G.711 VoIP call. It is because G711 VoIP call only converts a call to IP without do compression. We can tell that voice quality of G711 almost same like classic voice call. It make sense because there no data reduction at voice conversion. But, of course there is no point to use VoIP if we don't get benefit of it.
So, for sake of the benefit, almost all VoIP operator will chose codec other then G.711 codec. They want to reduce bandwidth consumptions for cost reason. At telecommunication business, that naturally selling the bandwidth, we can tell that more bandwidth consumption more expensive the cost, and less benefit for Telco company.
At other hand, they can not compress voice data to very minimum because consideration of quality. It always compromise between bandwidth and quality of VoIP Call. VoIP operators will choose the codec where the quality voice still acceptance by human hears. Base on my experience at VoIP call system, lot of operator choose G. 729 for theri VoIP codec.
It also can tell that almost all operators choose to use G. 729 codec. It is because G. 729 make lot of saving for bandwidth consumption. It is almost less 8 time then classic voice call (64 kbps). And quality of voice at G.729 codec still can tolerate by human hears. It is because there are some technique uses at G.729 codec to meet voice quality standard. But at some case, operators must use G.711 codec to compensate the poor link quality. G.711 more errors proof other than any VoIP codec.
I hope my explanation already can make you have more understanding about VoIP, especially according to Bandwidth related. Now, you can try to compare cost and quality of classic voice call then VoIP call by your self.
Kamis, 03 Maret 2011
Session Border Controller - SBC
Secara definisi Session Border Controller diartikan sebagai berikut:
- Session: adalah setiap layanan real time, interactive voice, komunikasi suara atau multimedia yang menggunakan protokol signaling IP (SIP, H.323, MGCP/NCS, atau Megaco/H.248).
- Border: adalah setiap border antara dua jaringan IP (IP to IP). Seperti: Antara dua service provider, Antara Service Provider dengan Enterprise, dan lainnya.
- Controller: adalah fungsi pengaturan dan pengendalian lima aspek kritis di sisi border antara dua jaringan IP. Kelima aspek tersebut adalah:
Aspek ini menjadi konsideran karena merupakan aspek penting yang akan memprotek pendapatan service provider dari kemungkinan terjadinya fraud dan kemananan dalam penggelaran layanan baru. Disamping itu aspek ini juga akan memberikan kemungkinan untuk menyembunyikan hubungan koneksi antara pelanggan dengan pemasok, yang umumnya banyak dikehendaki oleh para pengguna jaringan untuk menjaga keamanan dan data pada sisi border.
b. Jangkauan layanan
Aspek jangkaun layanan menjadi penting saat layanan yang digelar akan melewati berbagai tipe jaringan dan perangkat yang akan memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Layanan harus tetap dapat menembus berbagai tipe jaringan tersebut sehingga menjamin cakupan layanan secara end-to-end. Hal ini mencakup antara lain: NAT/Firewall, Signaling Interworking, Address Interworking, dan Codec interworking.
c. Jaminan SLA
Aspek ini diberlakukan untuk menjamin kapasitas bandwidth layanan dan kualitas layanan yang di deliver secara end-to-end. Aspek ini mencakup juga Admission Control yang menjadi dasar penyediaan bandwidth dan pelaporan tentang penyediaan QoS.
d. Jaminan Pendapatan dan Profit
Aspek ini akan menjamin diterobosnya jaringan untuk kepentingan pencurian dan pengalihan layanan yang mendorong bocornya pendapatan dan profit penyedia layanan.
e. Regulasi
Aspek ini memungkinkan penyedia jaringan untuk fleksibel dalam mengantisipasi perubahan regulasi yang mengharuskan terjadinya penyesuaian jaringan. Salah satu contohnya adalah seperti intercept layanan untuk kepentingan pihak keamanan negara.
taken fro here
Rabu, 02 Maret 2011
Apa itu NAT
Dari sini kita bisa melihat kegunaan dari NAT itu, yaitu mengatasi ketersediaan alamat IP yang terbatas, keamanan (security), dan dalam administrasi jaringan.
Contoh dalam hal keamanan dan administrasi jaringan ketika suatu komputer terkoneksi ke internet, komputer tersebut tidak saja dapat mengakses server atau suatu situs tertentu, tetapi komputer tersebut juga sangat mungkin untuk diakses oleh komputer lain yang sama-sama terkoneksi ke internet. Jika hal ini terjadi dan disalahgunakan akan sangat membahayakan. NAT secara otomatis akan memberikan proteksi seperti halnya firewall dengan hanya mengizinkan koneksi yang berasal dari dalam jaringan.
Selain keuntungan diatas terdapat juga Kerugian dalam NAT diantaranya :
- Proses translasi menimbulkan keterlambatan karena data harus melalui perangkat NAT (software atau hardware).
- Terdapat beberapa aplikasi yang tidak dapat berjalan ketika menggunakan jaringan NAT, khususnya NAT yang menggunakan software.
- Menghilangkan kemampuan untuk melacak data karena melewati firewall.
Kamis, 27 Januari 2011
Introduction to DoS Attack in SIP Infrastructur. part1
Kemudian hal seperti ini tidak akan terjadi di dunia switching networks.
"Security threats are considered minimal in current circuit switched networks. This is achieved by using a closed networking environment dedicated to a single application (namely voice). "
Intinya :
SIP (Session Initial Protocol) is a protocol proposed standard for initiating, modifying and terminating an interactive user session that involves multimedia elements such as video, voice. It is one of the leading signalling protocols for VoIP.
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks aim at denying or degrading a legitimate user's access to a service or network resource, or at bringing down the servers offering such services.
Distributed Denial of Service DDos is attacking mechanism that developed tools to coordinate distributed attacks from many separate sites,
Whereas, SIP depends much on DNS (Domain Name Service), and this feature could be exploited by attackers to launch a DoS attacking by difficult-resolvable DNS flooding.
Inti yang diserang dibagi menjadi tiga :
1. Memory
2. Bandwith
3. CPU
Cara mereka menyerang adalah melalui tiga hal ini:
1. Message parsing
2. Security check
3. Supporting services (AAA servers, DNS servers)
Pembahasan lebih lanjut dibahas di part selanjutnya
Jumat, 10 Desember 2010
What is a distributed denial of service attack?
The current technical assault on the websites of Amazon, Visa and MasterCard is known as a distributed denial of service attack. This technique uses a network of tens of thousands of compromised computers, known as a "botnet", to flood a website's servers with page view requests, leaving legitimate traffic unable to get through. This huge amount of connection requests can quickly overwhelm a server and, in some cases, cause an entire website to crash.
In order to add computers to a botnet, hackers must first gain control of the machine. They achieve this by exploiting vulnerabilities within the computer's operating system to install malicious software on the computer that provides them with always-on, remote access to the PC.
Building a botnet is the time-consuming part, so much so that enterprising cyber criminals will even "lease" botnets to one another for spur-of-the-moment attacks.
Once a machine has been compromised, it can be called in to action by the hacker at a moment's notice. Security experts at McAfee estimate that between March and July of this year, 14 million computers worldwide were enslaved by botnets. All the hacker needs to do is run a small program that communicates with all the computers they control, and it can then command those computers to start dialling out across the internet to a specific server or website. The aim is to flood servers with tens of thousands of page view requests in a short period of time, paralysing the network.
Distributed denial of service attacks are illegal in many countries, including the UK. Under the terms of the Police and Justice Act 2006, it is illegal to impair the operation of any computer, to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer, or impair the operation of any program or data held in a computer, with “requisite intent” and “requisite knowledge”.
The penalty for unauthorised access to computer material is a maximum of two years’ imprisonment, while paying someone else to launch a distributed denial of service attack is punishable by up to 10 years in jail. Supplying the software or tools that can be used to launch a denial of service attack, or offering access to an existing botnet, carries a penalty of up to two years in prison.
In order to prevent your computer falling foul to hackers and being enslaved by a botnet, it's crucial that you download install the latest software patches issued by your computer maker, use security software such as an anti-virus program on your machine, and use a firewall to manage which programs have access to and from the web to your computer.
Computers that can be a particularly soft target for hackers include machines in internet cafes, where patrons are likely to click on attachments and links from unsolicited sources, thus unwittingly installing a virus on the system, and unloved and forgotten office machines, which are perhaps not patched or maintained as well as other computers in the organisation.
(taken from telegraph)
Rabu, 27 Januari 2010
Introducing to Signaling
Then shall we started..
Signaling di dunia telco mempunyai arti pertukaran informasi dan perintah untuk fungsi kontrol dan monitoring suatu koneksi telephony. Kenapa telephony dikarenakan saat ini signaling tidak hanya digunakan di call set-up telepon saja sudah banyak aplikasi lainnya seperti SMS.
Kemudian, setelah kita mengetahui arti signaling. Pertanyaan selanjutnya adalah informasinya seperti apa? dan bentuk perintahnya seperti apa? Untuk ini sabar dulu yah.. akan kita bahas lebih detail di Posting selanjutnya.
Kembali ke bahasan pengenalan signaling, tujuan utama penggunaan signaling dikarenakan Setiap network harus bisa berkomunikasi dan berbicara dengan "bahasa yang sama" ke network yang lainnya sehingga terjadi pertukaran control information. Contohnya apa sih yang ditukarkan , berikut contohnya :
- Traffic control procedures contoh call set-up, supervision, dan release.
- Database communication, contoh roaming di jaringan selular, database queries untuk mengetahui services yang ada.
- Network management procedures, contohnya, blocking trunks.
Secara tradisional "external signaling" tadi dibagi menjadi 2:
- Acces Signaling (signaling dari switching/sentral/msc ke arah pelanggan contohnya subscriber loop signal, DSS1)
- Trunk Signaling (signaling antar switching). Ada 2 metode yang "lazimnya" digunakan. yaitu :
- CAS (Channel Associated Signaling) secara sederhana signaling ditumpangkan/menjadi satu dengan speech channelnya.
- CCS (Common Channel Signaling) kalau disini ada dedicated channels tersendiri khusus untuk signaling. perbandingannya mungkin 1 e1 yang digunakan untuk signaling bisa untuk ratusan maupun ribuan kanal voice. Inilah nilai lebih dari ccs yang menyebabkan hampir sebagian besar network di dunia menggunakan ss7. selain dibantu dengan kemudahan administrasi karena chanel voice dan signaling dibedakan.